Men’s Tuesday Swingers League
The Men’s Tuesday morning league is an 18-hole league that plays a variety of team and individual competitions with weekly prizes. The league offers a list of players from all skill levels. The league is open to MCC members interested in a fun yet competitive 18-hole weekday league. Please contact league chairman Tom Reese for more information – [email protected]
Men’s Thursday Night League
The Men’s Thursday Night League format is a 2-player, round-robin 9-hole league that runs from May to end of August.There are two flights or more that are made up with 6-7 teams per flight, depending on participation. Members can register as a twosome or single and the golf shop staff will do their best to find you a partner. For more information, please contact the golf shop staff, 860.646.0226 x1. Prizes are awarded to 1st place and runner-up teams in each flight.
Weekend Porch Tournaments
The weekend porch tournaments run every Saturday and Sunday on the first tee for both the men’s and women’s division. Members can sign up on the first tee, the morning of, with an entry fee of $5.00 per game with up to two games daily. All proceeds are given to the flight winners in the form of golf shop prizes throughout the season.
Women’s Division & Tournaments
The Manchester Country Club Women’s division play every Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. For more information, please contact co-chairs for more information:
- Meg Brenneman [email protected]
- Janet Choutka [email protected]
Women’s Tuesday Night League
The Women’s Tuesday Night League play every Tuesday from the beginning of May through the end of August. The league is open to all female members & non-members. The cost for non members is $125 which includes the cost of a GHIN number. Members cost $75. Please contact league chair Lisa Lumbruno for more information via [email protected]
Hole-In-One Club
The annual $10 assessment for member Hole-in-One insurance was put in place several years ago after feedback from members. The intent was to provide a credit so that the member would not be stuck paying a large bill when following the old golf tradition of buying drinks for the bar to celebrate their ace.
The insurance is in place for all members and is intended to cover the member making a hole in one, not the membership at large each and every time. The current credit limit of $250 (including tip) was far exceeded for most of the 7 member hole-in-ones in 2024 and an additional assessment was applied last year.
In 2025 and moving forward, the following guidelines have been established:
- An annual $20 assessment will be applied to each member account for hole in one insurance.
- A $600 credit will be established in the Hollow Restaurant when a member makes an attested hole in one on any day of play
- The $600 credit (including tip) is good for complimentary beverages only ($10 or under for the drink of your choice), not food.
- The credit begins when the member’s round for that day is competed. The credit will be extended for 4 hours after completion of the round.
- Hollow Restaurant staff will alert then member when/if the credit amount limit is near and/or when it has been reached. The member can choose to continue credit at their own expense beyond the $600 credit limit.
Funds remaining at the end of each golf season will be reported to the membership and applied to the course improvements/beautification fund.